
in package

Add, list, or delete from your Rejection Allowlist. These endpoints are being replaced with a series of functionally identical endpoints called /allowlists.

Table of Contents


$master  : mixed


__construct()  : mixed
add()  : struct
Adds an email to your email rejection whitelist. If the address is currently on your blacklist, that blacklist entry will be removed automatically.
delete()  : struct
Removes an email address from the whitelist.
getList()  : array<string|int, mixed>
Retrieves your email rejection whitelist. You can provide an email address or search prefix to limit the results. Returns up to 1000 results.




Adds an email to your email rejection whitelist. If the address is currently on your blacklist, that blacklist entry will be removed automatically.

public add(string $email[, string $comment = null ]) : struct
$email : string

an email address to add to the whitelist

$comment : string = null

an optional description of why the email was whitelisted

Return values

a status object containing the address and the result of the operation

  • email string the email address you provided
  • added boolean whether the operation succeeded


Removes an email address from the whitelist.

public delete(string $email) : struct
$email : string

the email address to remove from the whitelist

Return values

a status object containing the address and whether the deletion succeeded

  • email string the email address that was removed from the blacklist
  • deleted boolean whether the address was deleted successfully


Retrieves your email rejection whitelist. You can provide an email address or search prefix to limit the results. Returns up to 1000 results.

public getList([string $email = null ]) : array<string|int, mixed>
$email : string = null

an optional email address or prefix to search by

Return values
array<string|int, mixed>

up to 1000 whitelist entries

  • return[] struct the information for each whitelist entry
  • email string the email that is whitelisted
  • detail string a description of why the email was whitelisted
  • created_at string when the email was added to the whitelist

On this page

Search results